International Open Access Week (Oct. 21-27, 2024) is an opportunity to reflect on Open Access (OA), how far we have come, and where we aim to go- “we” meaning both the wider scholarly communications community and we at Karger. OA and Open Science continue to expand as they transform the way communities share and consume knowledge and foster greater inclusion and collaboration.
As a health sciences publisher, we always take time to consider progress made and challenges of the different approaches to OA. This year for OA Week, we’re rolling up our sleeves and putting our knowledge to a pub-quiz-style quiz. We invite you, too, to test your knowledge of all things OA and Open Science with a few of the quiz questions our teams will be braving.
How well do you know your way around OA? Try the questions below and find the answers at the bottom of this post.
Question 1
What makes an article Open Access, not just free to read?
Question 2
According to the OA Dashboard – STM , what percent of all journal articles, reviews and conference papers were published as Gold OA in 2023?
a. 22%
b. 32%
c. 59%
d. 38%
Question 3
What are some differences between Gold and Green OA? Select two correct answers.
a. Green OA is publisher-mediated
b. Gold OA is publisher-mediated
c. Green OA is archiving of papers (usually accepted manuscripts) in openly accessible repositories
d. Gold OA is archiving of papers (usually accepted manuscripts) in openly accessible repositories
Question 4
Which of the following are considered to be among the main principles of Open Science?
a. Open Data
b. Open Voting
c. Open Guidelines
d. Open Notebooks
e. Open Access
f. Open Frameworks
g. Citizen Science
h. Open Organizations
i. Open STM
Question 5
What are two key values anchoring Open Science?
a. Collaboration and impact
b. Sharing and impact
c. Collaboration and sharing
d. Sharing and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Bonus question!
What do we at Karger say about Open Access and Open Science?
Answer Key:
1) In contrast to free articles, Open Access articles are published with an open license (typically Creative Commons); they’re permanently Open Access; and they are free not just to read, but also to share and re-use (according to the license terms).
2) d.
3) b. and c.
4) a., d., e., g.
5) c.
Answer to the bonus question: We are open for Open!
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