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Meet the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Chemotherapy: Prof. Dr. Giorgio Minotti

The next installation of the “Meet the Editors-in-Chief” series is with Prof. Dr. Giorgio Minotti, the editor of the journal Chemotherapy. Find out more about his experiences and learn about:

  • How the field of pharmacology intersects with other disciplines i.e., oncology, hematology, radiology, and biochemistry
  • Anti-cancer drugs and his pioneering role in the field of cardio-oncology
  • New clinical trials with anti-leukemic drugs
  • Joining scientific/medical societies to become a “citizen of the world”
  • The importance of guidelines regarding the therapeutic index of new anti-cancer drugs

Also, the journal has two open Call for Papers: “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in the Cancer Patient” and “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in Infectious Diseases“.


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