What does someone in the Strategy, Innovation & Venture (SIV) Department of our company actually do from day to day, you might wonder? We wanted to know from Stephanie Biller what her daily work day looks like and why collegiality and teamwork is especially important in her team.

stephanie biller

Take us through a day in your work life. What are some of the work habits you’ve developed over the years that help you maintain productivity?

On workdays, at 9 o’clock we have a set team meeting that we use to talk about the daily business together and about how we can support one another in special projects. Of course, there is also social exchange. In my department, teamwork is very important and lived in nearly every working minute. That helps us to be productive and to keep our spirits up — even in hard times with a large workload.

What motivated you to apply for a position at Karger?

As a trained linguist and social scientist, working in publishing — and in particular for a scientific publisher, disseminating knowledge and helping people — was the most obvious career choice to make. What motivated me to apply for a position at Karger was its long history as a family-owned business — where a common goal is easier to identify with and work towards.

What has been your experience during the remote working over the last two years?

After the transition phase, where I dearly missed seeing my team members in person and having some spontaneous, unscheduled chats, I could see more positive sides in remote working.

It’s easier to focus on your work when there are fewer disturbances, a daily commute of at least one hour (one way) seems like an horrid recollection of older times; thus, you can use your most productive hours directly for your work assignments.

What do you enjoy the most about your time at Karger?

Having found a great team and team leader in the SIV-Department, with new and interesting challenges nearly every minute of the day.

What would you like someone who’s interested in applying to Karger to know?

We are in the transition to an always faster-paced workplace. You should enjoy working and animating your colleagues and different teams, be ready to embrace innovation and new ideas — to work hard convincing different members of other departments and to see the positive sides of working together with different people in taskforces and project groups.

How do you switch off from a busy day at work?

After a long workday, I especially enjoy sports, such as running, swimming, and of course – with the start of spring – standup paddling with friends.


Are you interested in a career at Karger? Explore our current job opportunities at our job portal. Also, find out what Daniela does in the role as a “Human Resource Manager”. 

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