From a funders perspective on Open Access to the potential of AI in science communication – Dr. Beth Montague-Hellen, Head…

Introducing Prof. Dr. med. Anita Riecher-Rössler  I am a psychiatrist and psychotherapist and was the director of the Psychiatric University…

Our next interview on the “Meet the Editors-in-Chief” series highlights Prof. Dr. David Witherington, the editor of our journal Human…

Guest Post by Martijn Roelandse, Park 56 In 2017, I had the pleasure of attending the STM Tech Trends workshop….

We interviewed the Publication Manager and Karger’s Liaison for Researcher Engagement and Recognition, Teresa Mathews, PhD to provide an overview…

Surgeon Andreas Vesalius, the inspiration behind Karger’s annual innovation award, not only revolutionized anatomy when he published “De humanis corporis…

At Karger Publishers, we have wrapped quite a year. Aside from publishing more than 5500 articles in 2022, a lot…

After twenty years, the famous Maestro João Carlos Martins is finally able to play piano again, thanks to modern technology….

Vesalius Innovation Award

The Vesalius Innovation Award  (VIA) is one way we at Karger spark innovation in health sciences. We see it as a…

Some feel that potential in research communications is stifled by the tyranny of ‘prestige’ when it’s measured solely by journal…

Fast Facts is a series of handbooks that has been published for over 25 years covering various medical conditions. For…

day in the life series

What is it like to work in two roles at the same time? Samuel Lei, Executive Assistant of CPM and…

Female scientist in a lab

There have been heated debates about how exactly to deal with the recent Covid-19 pandemic. But one thing most people…

women in science

Genetics is a young specialty and was organized when there were already growing numbers of women in science and medicine. It…

open access transformative journals

Working to advance Open Access (OA), an essential element of Open Science, can feel like solving a Rubik’s Cube: the…

Health Scientist publishing research

Publishing your research as a first-time author can be a daunting experience.  It is therefore very important that publishers support…

doctors using digital technologies in their daily life, use of apps

Medical applications, teledermatology, machine learning: There is a vast trend of digitalization in dermatology, and we are at the forefront….

Female doctor laughs with patient during paperwork

  The history and success of Karger Publishing began with the booklet “Geburtshülfliches Vademecum” in 1890, which was the first publication…